
Showing posts from December, 2019


Societys beliefs are like a pendulum. On one side is more personal freedom, and the other is more protection for the people. As the pendulum nears one side society starts to slowly reach a point of criticality where that belief cannot go further without anarchy. To avoid this society starts to shift towards the opposite end. The pendulum starts falling and repeats this process for the existence of the society. This was a concept introduced to me in my college political science class from Prof. L. She explained this such as a country wants it personal freedom, to not be stared down by the government in order for them to be protected, so the people fight against it, until the freedom becomes the norm and so lax, until the point where an event occurs or people start to get scared where they start wanting more protection. I believe we are currently nearing the end of the pendulum swing, slowly reaching the end of government protection. It may take years or decades as the pendulum could be